About us

The State of the BST is an episodic expedition to hike the entire length of the 250-mile Bonneville Shoreline Trail (at least, as much of it as we can), to evaluate the current status of every mile, and to learn about its history and future from the many people who are committed to building it.

We also want to learn about the natural and urban landscape we are passing through, with guest experts on the geography, geology, history, ecology, urban growth, and economy of the Wasatch Front.

Join us in our journey on this website and in our documentary video series. Or join us on the trail. Our join us by supporting the project through our GoFundMe campaign; 50% of your contribution covers our production costs, and 50% goes to the construction and maintenance of the BST.

The Team

Our father-and-son team is excited to bring our experience and passions to this project!

Dr. Brandon Plewe (aka the MapMan) has taught geography and cartography at Brigham Young University since 1996. Throughout that time, his love of hiking and mapping has drawn him to the BST again and again. In recent years, he has been helping to build the Utah Valley Trails Alliance as an organization that can help complete the BST in Utah County.

Spencer Plewe (aka Perspective Productions) earned his degree in Media Studies (film) from BYU in 2018. He has been involved in multiple film, television, and online productions, but he is excited for his first opportunity to do his own thing on this project!

Our Friends

We appreciate the moral support of many of the people and organizations that are committed to building the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. If your organization would like to express your support (no donation necessary, but always appreciated!), contact Brandon at kinesava[at]gmail.com. Thanks!

2 Replies to “About us”

  1. What is your relationship with the bonnevilleshorelinetrail.org website? What’s the difference between donating to them and donating to you?
    Thanks for the videos.

    1. Good question Diane! bonnevilleshorelinetrail.org is the official home of the trail; we are an independent project that is advocating for the trail. I’m not sure what their setup is for donations, but I’m sure that most if not all of the donation goes to trail improvements although their work is primarily focused on Salt Lake Valley. Our donations are divided between funding the video production and improvements to the trail, and our improvements tend to focus on the area that we are filming at the time.

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