Episode 7 (finally)

Well, it took us a while as Spencer started a new job, but we have finally released Episode 7, hours before the end of 2021. This one rounds out Utah County, from Pleasant Grove to Lehi. It took us a bit longer to hike than we originally planned, and the video is a little longer than usual, because we found some additional unofficial trail we were able to use to almost connect this area. The northern cities (Alpine, Highland, Lehi, Draper) are currently working on a strategy for officially connecting the BST through this area, but there are some big obstacles at the moment.

This episode includes a great interview with my friend (and former student) Brandon Stocksdale, of the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program of the National Park Service. This little-known “non-Park” office of the NPS has been invaluable in Utah in getting stakeholders together to plan and build trails, including many sections of the BST. “The other” Brandon was instrumental in getting my own organization, the Utah Valley Trails Alliance, going.

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